World Sleep Day has arrived to celebrate the importance of sleep

What is World Sleep Day


World Sleep Day is an annual event that has been created to bring awareness to the importance of sleep for our mental and physical health. World Sleep Day is also a movement to bring sleep problems into the spotlight and to display how sleeping for only a few hours a night can be detrimental for our wellbeing. Sleep experts and researchers come together for this yearly celebration of sleep to educate and advise over 70 countries!


The key message


In recent years, we have become more mindful of our own state of happiness but also of the planets. To celebrate this current consciousness, this years theme is Better Sleep, Better Life, Better Planet! 

The message is, if we spend more time resting on our beds, we will consequently spend less time disturbing our planet. With increased hours of sleep, we can reduce the existing high level of fuel, electricity and food consumption. It seems like a simple enough contribution to make to save our planet...



Are you getting enough sleep?


If you are questioning how many hours of sleep do I need to make a difference in your own life, but for the planet as a whole. Not to worry as we have created a Next Divan Guide to help you improve your current resting hours!

Simply take a pen and paper and make a note of your answers:


 How old are you?

 1. 16-17

 2. 18-25

 3. 26 - 64

 4. 65+



 How often do you exercise?

1. Daily

2. Few times a week

3. Sometimes

4. Never



 Do you rely on caffeine to keep you awake?

1. I need a daily fix of caffeine to make me feel less tired

2. I drink caffeine, but not daily

 3. I do not need caffeine to help me to feel awake



 Are you happy with how much sleep you get?

 1. Yes

 2. No



 Do you have a bedtime routine to help you unwind?

1. Yes

2. No


Answers and Solutions:

Hours of sleep:


Modern life often steals our precious hours of sleep away and leaves many people wondering ‘is 6 hours of sleep enough?’. The answer is no. 

16-17-year-olds require 8-10 hours of sleep

18-25-year-olds require 7-9 hours of sleep

26-64-year-olds require 7-9 hours of sleep 

65+-year-olds require 7-8 hours of sleep


Bedtime Routine


If you feel unsatisfied with your sleep, a bedtime routine could be beneficial for you to avoid further sleep issues. By incorporating healthy sleep patterns into your nightly routine there is less chance that you will have trouble sleeping. Your routine should include, turning off as many bright lights as possible, including your devices, buy a supportive mattress and reduce any noise. 

The National Sleep Foundation also suggests avoiding drinking caffeine 6 hours before bed, as well as eating spicy or sugary foods. A sleep disorder study showed that another helpful way to increase your desire to sleep is to exercise regularly.


How are you celebrating World Sleep Day? Why not take a break on us! 

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