Mattresses are the main event of a bedroom. We sleep on them, relax on them and they are a source of comfort and warmth.

They can be an investment for our physical and mental health, and ensuring your mattress is well maintained and looking its best is important to get a long life from it.

Read on to find out how to clean your mattress, with tips on stain removal and how to keep your mattress looking and feeling fresh out of the box!

Common issues regarding your mattress…

Mattresses can be put through the trials and tribulations of the everyday, especially if you have a young family or have furry friends running around your home. 

Whilst bed sheets are usually on top of your mattress covering its surface, you would be surprised at how many stains can get onto it. We advise to always have a cover on your mattress to help protect it and offer a good layer of protection. A mattress topper is also a good choice if you are looking for some supported protection that offer cushioning,

Whether it is food, bodily fluids or dirt marks from your pet,  cleaning your mattress will become a priority at some point in time. Different stains require different attention and cleaning products.

How to get blood out of a mattress

Having a nosebleed whilst sleeping can be an alarming thing and can happen to any of us. Different allergens that travel through the air in our bedroom can cause bleeds through the night which can lead to unexpected mattress stains.

There is a simple solution to remove blood stains from your mattress. Simply get baking soda and cold water, mix into a paste and let it sit for 30 minutes or so. Once it has set, apply the solution to the stain with a towel and rub for a couple of seconds. 

Let that sit for a further 20 minutes and remove the paste with a clean separate towel or tissue. Your mattress should now be stain free.

How to get urine out of a mattress

Potty training for your little ones can be a daunting task that takes time, and accidents can easily happen!

Removing urine from a mattress can be straightforward task that requires a small ingredients list. There are specific products you can purchase such as Vivactive Mattress Stain Remover

Alternatively you can DIY the remedy. As provided by The Sleep Foundation, simply get 8 ounces of hydrogen peroxide, 3 tablespoons of baking soda, and 2 to 4 drops of dish soap or liquid laundry detergent. 

Put the mixture into a spray bottle and apply generously to the stained area of your mattress. Give it a wipe once dried and you should be stain free!

How to get bad smells out of your mattress

Even if your mattress does not have any visible stains, more often than not your mattress will start to produce unwanted odour from being used or from its age. 

Keeping your mattress smelling fresh can ensure you leave a pleasant smell that will spread across the room it is in, giving a lovely experience especially if your room is used for guests!

Baking soda is your best friend in this situation. Simply pour baking soda onto the surface of your mattress and let it sit for 30 minutes or so. 

Once you have done so, vacuum the mattress so there is no more baking soda and your mattress will be smell-free for you to enjoy. 

How to keep animal stains out of your mattress

The remedy for this one is quite simple, just don’t let your furry friends onto your bed! We love cuddling up with our pets as much as the next person does, however keeping them out of your bedroom will eliminate cleaning headaches and can also have health implications

If you still decide to have your pets on the bed then make note of the above recipes for removing stains as their properties are effective for stains that are related to your pets. 

To further protect your mattress, we further recommend having a mattress protector just for the added reassurance as they are a great barrier that protects your mattress from any threats. 

How to dry your mattress properly

Whatever your issue is, we hope our advice found above has been helpful for you. Keeping your mattress dry after cleaning is another thing to consider - an essential step as part of a cleaning process. There is no stress though as our mattress specialists have you covered. 

Drying your mattress is important, otherwise the smell of damp can take over your room which can create issues for your health in the future,  so it is important to ensure this is done properly.

Cat litter is a great product to use to dry your mattress effectively. Whilst towels seem like the most ideal method, dependent on your mattress size this can take up a lot of towels and effort. 

Cat litter has absorbent qualities that means liquids are easily collected. All that is required is you dispose of the litter correctly. We recommend a simple and quick vacuum to clean up any leftover mess - simple!

We hope this guide has been helpful. Mattresses are not ever-lasting, so if you are experiencing trouble with yours, even after getting assistance from the internet or with our in-house team, our range of beautiful high quality mattresses will give you a good night’s sleep!